
Friday, August 30, 2013

Bari Life Bariatric Vitamins and Supplements Supports Your Good Health

Bari Life Bariatric Vitamins and Supplements support good health
Bari Life supports your good health!

Vitamins and supplements are essential to good health. Post bariatric surgery, it is even more important to ensure you are getting the required daily amount of essential vitamins and supplements. Failure to do so could result in devastating health consequences.

Following bariatric surgery, you will be consuming smaller portions of food and, thus, less nutrients. However, your body still requires a certain amount of vitamins and supplements to stay healthy.
Of course, managing post-operative health begins with pre-operative education assessing nutrient status to determine any pre-existing nutrition deficiencies. The ASMBS provides a recommended pre-surgical nutrition assessment that includes:

  • Anthropometrics
  • Weight history
  • Medical history
  • Physical activity
  • Dietary intake
  • Psychosocial factors
The information gathered during the nutrition assessment is essential in determining needed vitamins and supplements post bariatric surgery. You will be consuming less foods and, in so doing, you also will be consuming less nutrients important for good health. Because your body may be unable to absorb certain vitamins and minerals, you risk developing adverse health conditions including: 
  •  Diarrhea
  • Anemia due to deficiency of iron or vitamin B12
  • Neurologic complications from vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Kidney stone disease due to changes in how the body absorbs calcium and oxalate
  • Possible bone disease due to mineral or vitamin D deficiency

The easiest method to support your nutrition would be to increase your vitamins and supplement intake post bariatric surgery. This, of course, should go hand-in-hand with developing an overall healthier diet and exercise program.  

Furthermore, it is important to be mindful of how you store your vitamins and dietary supplements. High humidity found in bathrooms as well as kitchens may be degrading the vitamins and dietary supplements kept in those rooms as well as whether or not the lids are on tight. Crystalline substances, such as vitamin C and some forms of vitamin B, as well as other nutritional supplements, are susceptible to a process known as deliquescence, whereby humidity results in a water-soluble solid to dissolve. Storing your supplements far away from warm, humid environments will help ensure their effectiveness.

Most importantly, you will want to make sure to have regular check-ups with your doctor post bariatric surgery to make sure your body continues to absorb the appropriate amount of nutrients to help you stay healthy as you are losing weight and adapting to your new diet and exercise lifestyle.

To your health! 
The Bari Life Team
Bari Life is high quality bariatric vitamins that are clinically proven supplements to help in post bariatric surgery. 
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Blue Dress Internet Marketing Company

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Bariatric Vitamins Fuel Your Body

Bari Life Bariatric Vitamins For Health For Life
Bari Life Bariatric Vitamins for your health!

Bariatric vitamins, such as Bari Life’s bariatric multivitamin tablet and powder, are essential to your health. Following weight loss surgery, bariatric vitamins could mean the difference between maintaining your healthy new physique and developing serious medical conditions.

Bariatric Vitamins Post Bariatric Surgery

Earlier this year, the American Medical Association officially recognized obesity as a disease. Affecting approximately one in three Americans, the recognition of obesity as a disease demonstrates the medical community’s commitment to advance obesity treatment and prevention.

Weight loss surgery has become a safe and effective method to combat obesity. Following surgery, vitamin and mineral supplementation will play an important role in your overall nutrition plan. Not only will you be eating less food, you also will have decreased ability to digest and absorb certain nutrients.

Bariatric Vitamins for Health, for Life

Patient education is paramount, and emphasis regarding the importance of bariatric vitamin supplementation should begin prior to surgery and continue immediately post bariatric surgery and beyond.

Keep in mind, both non-surgical and surgical patients trying to lose weight benefit from a typical bariatric vitamin regimen. Your primary care physician should be diligent in working with you to provide the appropriate bariatric vitamin supplementation to help prevent serious complications.

Bariatric vitamin supplementation should be continued for life and include regular visits with your doctor to ensure you are taking the recommended daily amount of bariatric vitamins. Weight loss surgery helps reverse serious medical conditions to help you develop a happier, healthier, and more functional life. If you fail to take essential bariatric vitamins and supplements daily, you simply are trading one set of medical problems for others later.

To your health!
The Bari Life Team
Bari Life is high quality bariatric vitamins that are clinically proven supplements to help in post bariatric surgery.
Order Online Here

Blue Dress Internet Marketing Company

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Leading the Way in Bariatric Surgery and Clinically Proven Bariatric Vitamins!

Bari Life leads the way in bariatric technology
Bari Life leads the way in bariatric technology

Always on the cutting edge of bariatric technology, Dr. Stephen Boyce, prominent bariatric surgeon and founder of Bari Life Bariatric Supplements continues to advance improvements in both pre and post bariatric surgery.

In addition to developing a line of clinically proven and highly effective bariatric supplements, Dr. Boyce is the first bariatric surgeon in Tennessee to perform Robotic Greater Curvature Plication for weight loss surgery.

What is Robotic Greater Curvature Plication?

This amazing weight loss surgery technique utilizes a da Vinci® robot to perform a minimal invasive surgery. For many patients who undergo robotic surgery, the experience will be less painful, leave fewer scars, and result in potentially faster healing.

In addition, many experts believe Robotic Greater Curvature Plication will reduce the complications associated with surgery. Modern robotic surgical systems also promise several improvements compared to conventional methods of surgery, including:

  • Improved dexterity of the instrument
  • Reduction in hand tremors
  • Better 3-D visualization
  • Greater camera stability
  • Greater ergonomic comfort

Robot assisted surgeries have now been deemed safe for several types of weight loss surgeries such as laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Nissen fundoplication, and gastric banding. Little more than a medical curiosity 14 years ago, the da Vinci® Surgical System today offers a growing number of surgical patients the alternative of minimally invasive, robotic-assisted surgery.

Post bariatric surgery can be the start of a wonderful new beginning. Dr. Boyce continues to lead the way at Bari Life with cutting edge bariatric technology. From the one of a kind Bari Life MultiVitamins to the largest clinical study of proven effectiveness in Multivitamins, the Bari Life Team strives to help patients achieve a better quality of life post bariatric surgery.

To your health! 

The Bari Life Team
Bari Life is high quality bariatric vitamins that are clinically proven supplements to help in post bariatric surgery. 
Order Online Here


Bari Life Exercise Tips Post Bariatric Surgery


Bari Life Bariatric Supplements knows the decision to have bariatric surgery is a life-changing event. Post bariatric surgery is the start of a new beginning. A new beginning that includes eating healthy and exercising, developing healthy habits to last a lifetime!

Studies suggest exercise contributes to greater weight loss post bariatric surgery. As with most surgical procedures, it generally is recommended to refrain from engaging in any type of strenuous activities for the first few weeks following your procedure.

Start Slow
In order for exercise to be effective, it must be done on a regular and consistent basis. If you don’t enjoy exercising, it could be because you over-exerted yourself when starting an exercise program, or because you simply did not enjoy the chosen exercise or got bored with doing the same 20 minutes on the treadmill or the same two-mile walk around your neighborhood.

Success in sticking with an exercise routine depends on finding an activity (or two) you enjoy, starting slow, and sticking with it until it becomes a habit. A combination of low-impact, cardio, and strength training exercises offer variety and allow you to mix up your workout routine.

Begin at home
You don’t have to join a gym. You don’t even have to leave your house. There are several low-impact exercises you can do in your own living room, including:
  • Leg lifts – Sit in a chair and slowly lift your legs up and down in a marching motion.
  • Shoulder rolls – Slowly roll your shoulders forward and backward.
  • Arm rotations – Lift your arms straight out at shoulder height and move them in small circular rotations forward and backward.
Do What You Enjoy
Once you are several weeks’ post bariatric surgery and your doctor has given you recommendations for the best exercises for you, think about what sounds most appealing. What activities did you enjoy as a kid? Swimming? Riding a bike? Playing tennis or team sports?
Exercise should be fun. It should be something you look forward to, or at least don’t dread doing on a regular basis. Consider these low-impact cardio exercises:
  • Cycling – Riding a bicycle is great exercise that is easy on the joints. You can go to cycling classes or explore your neighborhood on a real bike. Try to ride for at least 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week.
  • Yoga – Yoga is a perfect mix of strength training, low-impact, cardio, and relaxation. From beginning to advanced, there is a yoga workout for every fitness level. 
New You, New Life
As important as it is to maintain a healthy diet and take you bariatric vitamins and supplements, it is equally important to begin an exercise regimen to help you continue to lose or maintain weight. In addition, exercise aids in maintaining a positive mental health.

Make sure to keep track of your physical activities and keep your doctor informed of your progress. Electing to have bariatric surgery was the first step on the road to getting healthy. Now, make the commitment to stay healthy!

To your health!
The Bari Life Team
Bari Life is high quality bariatric vitamins that are clinically proven supplements to help in post bariatric surgery.

Order Online Here

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bari Life Bariatric Supplements offers thoughts on Vitamin K

Bari Life Bariatric Supplements and Vitamins promotes good health.

Bari Life Bariatric Supplements’ co-founder Dr. Stephen Boyce often gets asked about the vitamin K in Bari Life multivitamin bariatric supplements. All Bari Life Bariatric Supplements and Vitamins meet and exceed all American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) guidelines. In addition, Dr. Boyce offers his thoughts on the benefits of Vitamin K for post bariatric surgery patients. 

What is Vitamin K?


Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin necessary for post-translational modification of certain proteins required for blood coagulation (clotting), and in metabolic pathways in bone and other tissue.  Patients may develop deficiencies after operations that produce malabsorption and the clinical practice guidelines from the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE), The Obesity Society (TOS) and the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) recommend that patients supplement their diet with at least 160 micro grams of vitamin K daily. 

Some patients with blood clotting disorders are at risk for developing dangerous blood clots in their veins (deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolization) after weight loss surgery.  These patients are usually treated with medications such as Coumadin or Warfarin (anticoagulants) to try to prevent the development of these blood clots.

Patients on these anticoagulants should not take vitamin K containing supplements without the consent of their physician and surgeons because vitamin K will interfere with the effectiveness of Coumadin and Warfarin, making their blood thicker.  Other factors that can affect these anticoagulant medications are vitamin K containing foods such as green leafy vegetables. 

Benefits of Vitamin K for Post Bariatric Surgery Patients


Patients who require these anticoagulants usually achieve safe levels of blood thinning (determined by checking blood work, PT/INR) by balancing the amount of vitamin K in their diet with the dose of anticoagulants they are taking.  The problem for our patients is that the diet they are on for months after weight loss surgery has no vitamin K in it.  If they take anticoagulants such as Coumadin of Warfarin their blood will become dangerously thin leading to life threatening post-operative bleeding complications. 

By starting my patients on Bari Life bariatric supplements I am assured that the patient is getting the same amount of vitamin K daily making post-operative resumption of Coumadin or Warfarin safe and effective. Bari Life multivitamin bariatric supplements contain 240 micro grams of vitamin K in a daily dose (six tablets or two powder scoops) and are fully compliant with the clinical practice guidelines of the AACE, TOS and the ASMBS.

To your health!
The Bari Life Team
Bari Life is high quality bariatric vitamins that are clinically proven supplements to help in post bariatric surgery.
Order Online Here
